Art Class Fee$20.00
Theatre Class Fee$20.00
Ms. Cordoba Environmental Science Honors Fee$20.00
Dr. Wyatt - Biology Class Fee$20.00
IB MYP Design$20.00
Dr. Ovares - Marine Science Fee$20.00
Ms.Ruiz - Physics Honor$20.00
Ms. Jadon- Anatomy and Physiology $20.00
Ms. Jadon- Marine Science$20.00
Ms. Jadon- Biology Class Fee$20.00
Ms. A. Morales Comprehensive Science I Fee$20.00
Ms. A. Morales Comprehensive Science II Fee$20.00
Ms. A. Morales Physical Science Honors Fee$20.00
Ms. T Richards Physical Science Honors Fee$20.00
Ms. T Richards 8th IB MYP Science Fee$20.00
Ms. A. Morales Comprehensive Science I/Advanced Fee$20.00
Ms. Tortosa - Physical Science$20.00
Ms. Tortosa - Chemistry$20.00
Band and Orchestra Performance fee$20.00
Band and Orchestra class fee$20.00
Mr. Sotero - Chemistry Class Fee$20.00
Dr. Wyatt - Physical Science Fee$20.00
Digital Photography Class Fee$20.00

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